Karol Karnas - Full-stack developer
- "Specialization": "I specialize in full-stack development and thrive in its fast-paced environment. I enjoy improving communication within this workflow and taking responsibility for designing API structures and database schemas. I love seeing a well-structured database seamlessly mirrored in a beautiful and functional UI. Currently, I spend most of my time working with Python and Django on the back-end, and React, Redux, and SCSS on the front-end.",
- "Stack": {
- "Backend": "Python, Django, Node.js, Express, NestJS PostgreSQL, SQL",
- "Frontend": "React, Redux, Next.js, Typescript, SASS",
- "Testing": "Pytest, JEST, React Testing Library, Cypress",
- "Environment": "Linux, Git, Github, Jira, Confluence"
- "AI": "I integrate AI-powered API requests and vector databases into backend development. I use ChatGPT for prototyping and learning (with caution 😆) and MidJourney/Leonardo AI for design inspiration",
- "Background": "I have always loved building and creating—programming feels like an art form. My skill set extends beyond coding, including problem-solving, system design, and data analysis with pandas. I also have experience in creative fields like photography, composition, aesthetics, 2D animation, and UI/UX, which shape my approach to development"